Talking about Pizza Toppings
Время прослушивания 00:33, Дата публикации
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📚 Функция субтитров доступна только для пользователей, которые вошли в свою личную учетную запись. Зарегистрироваться сейчас
- What toppings do you like on your pizza?
- I love cheese and pepperoni on my pizza.
They're so tasty!
- Cheese and pepperoni are classic toppings.
I like mushrooms and olives on mine.
- That sounds delicious.
We can make our own mini pizzas with our favorite toppings.
- Let's get the pizza dough and spread the sauce.
Then we can add our favorite toppings.
- Our mini pizzas will be a scrumptious treat.
Let's bake them and enjoy!