The Town-Mouse And The Country-Mouse
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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A town mouse paid a visit to his friend who lived in the countryside. The country Mouse was happy to see his friend so he prepared a fine feast for him. The town Mouse looked at the fruit and the car of corn with hatred. Is this how you live? Hask life in the country?
Does not offer much. The town Mouse arriving at the city. He waited the Country Mouse to accompany him to the town and see all the good things there. So the Country Mouse packed all his belongings and off they went to the city. The country Mouse was really surprised to see the things there.
But as soon as they settled down to enjoy a fine meal of cheese and fruit a big cat leapt in through the window. The cat entering through the window. Seeing the cat both the mice ran into their hole to save themselves. So the cat ate up all the cheese and fruit. When the cat had gone away, the mice came out of their hole.
I am going, cried the country mouse. I like my simple fare and safety than this grand feast in such a danger.