The Story of the Fourth Doll
Автор книги India Fables
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Next morning, King Boja again approached to sit on the remarkable position of authority. However, when he achieved the honored position, the fourth doll left the royal position and stated my name is Kam Kendla. Tune into this story and afterward choose whether you are valiant and benevolent like King Vikramadikja or not. In the wake of as much, the fourth doll began portraying the story to King Boja. At some point, King Vikramadicha was examining state undertakings with his retainers.
When a brahmin introduced himself. The brahmin offered his regards to the lord. O King. I have come the whole distance from Kailash Mansarovar for an extraordinary reason, said the Brahmin. I saw a peculiar occurrence in Kailash Mansarovar that totally amazed me.
At the point when Vikramadija got some information about the occurrence, the Brahmin answered OK. One morning, I was engaged in contemplation close Kailash Mansarovar. At the point when the sun climbed, a column showed up in the Mansarovar and when the sun set, the column additionally submerged in the water. Presently, it happens each day. Brahmin telling about the column showed up in the manceravar.
After the Brahmin portrayed the episode, everybody kicked bewildered and off reasoning about the issue. The brahmin grinned subsequent to taking a gander at their baffled faces and stated I know every one of you are considering my thought process behind the portrayal of this episode. Some days prior, a contention emerged among the gods that nobody can hinder the sun. On the off chance that anybody goes before the sun, he will be burnt alive. Shurya, the sun god, declared that just Varuna, the sea god can draw close to him.
In this entire universe. Nobody can even observe the sublime perspective on the gathering of the sun god and the sea god. At some point, the sun god and the sea god even the gods can't hold up under the sunbeams.