The Shepherd’s Mistake
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd. Every morning he used to take out his sheep to graze in the field. While his sheep would graze, he would sit and watch them grazing. One day he was sitting in the field and his sheeps were grazing the field and his sheeps were grazing the field. Suddenly he saw a wolf behind a tree.
You it. The shepherd got afraid as he thought that the wolf would harm his sheep. He took his flock of sheep back home. The wolf followed the flock of sheep and did not harm them. One day he was called at home.
The shepherd thought that his sheeps would be safe with the wolf. Aye La called the wolf and let it live in his farm. And he went home. After a few days, the shepherd returned back. On reaching his home, he saw that the wolf had eaten up most of his sheep's.
Only a few sheep were left. He took a stick and made the wolf exit from his farm. The shepherd sat in the corner and said that was my fault. I am a foolish man. I trusted the my sheep.
High went inside his house and cried. Now he could not get his sheep's back again. Again.