The Monkey and the Crocodile
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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One day mother crocodile asked her son to get her the heart of the monkey. The son agreed and headed towards the river. He reached the shore of the river and called out hello monkey. The on the island are ripe, would you like to have them? The monkey's mouth watered and it asked the crocodile to it there, there. The monkey sat on the crocodile's back and they moved to the island. After crossing half the way the crocodile said to the monkey I fooled you my friend my mother wants to have your heart and I am taking you to her. The monkey got afraid but it replied coolly all I have left my heart in the tree let's go back and get the heart. The foolish crocodile fell into the trap of the monkey as they reached back the monkey the tree the crocodile felt bad and went home empty handed.