The Girl in Room 105
Автор книги Chetan Bhagat
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Six months ago. Stop, my bait, stop. Sorob said, snatching away my whiskey glass. I am not drunk, I said. We were in a corner of the drawing room near the makeshift bar the rest of the coaching class faculty had gathered around Aurora sir.
They would never miss a chance to suck up to him. We had come to the Malvia Nagar house of Chandan Aurora, owner of Chandan classes and our boss. You swore on me you wouldn't have more than two drinks, Sorob said. I smiled at him, but did I quantify the size of the drinks? How much whiskey per drink?
Half a bottle. My words slurred. I was finding it hard to balance myself. You need fresh air. Let's go to the balcony, Sorov said.
I need fresh whiskey, I said. Sorov dragged me to the balcony by my arm. When had this fat so become so strong? It is freezing here, I said, shivering. I rubbed my hands together to keep myself warm.
You can't drink so much, Bay. It's New Year's Eve. You know what that does to me? It's history. Four years ago.
It's going to be 2018. Feels like 4 seconds ago, I said. I took out a cigarette packet which Sorov promptly grabbed and hid in his pocket. I pulled out my phone. I opened the contact details of my next intoxicant Zara.
What did she say that night? I said, staring at Zara's. WhatsApp profile picture? We are done, that's what she said. What did she mean done?
How can she say we? I am not done. How can she say we? I am not done. Leave the phone alone, PA.
You may accidentally call her, Sorof said. He lunged from my phone. I dodged to avoid him. Look at her, I said, turning the screen towards Sorov. She had put up a selfie as her burp outing.
Hand on waist, the black sorry. A dramatic contrast to her fair, almost pink face. She didn't always have her picture as her dupee. Often she would put up quotes the let life not hold you back kinds statements that sound profound but actually mean nothing. Her WhatsApp display picture was the only connect I had left with her.
It was how I knew what was happening in her life. Who wears black? Saras. She doesn't look that great, Soraf said. He always did his best to help me get over her.
I love Sorof. My best friend, colleague and fellow my best friend, colleague and fellow misfit. He's from Jaipur, not far from my hometown. Of AlLWAR his father works as a junior engineer in the pew. Like me, he too didn't get placed after campus.
Both of us worked our asses off at Chandan classes. Off at chandan classes. Even as we hoped to get out of there ASAP. It's Zara. She always looks great, I put it plainly.
Soraf shrugged. That's part of the tragedy. You think I am mad about her because of her looks? I think you should shut your phone. More than three years, dude.
Three crazy, crazy years. I know. By, if you promise not to drink anymore, we can go back in. It is cold here. What do you know?
That you dated Zara for three years. Want dinner? Screw dinner. More than three. Three years, two months and three weeks, to be precise.
You told me. Rendezvous 2010 to New Year's. Eve 2014. Yes, rendezvous. That's when we met.
Did I tell you how we met? I said my feet were finding it harder to find the floor. Sore of held me tight to prevent me from falling. Yeah, you have told me 50 times. Sore muttered.
There was a debating competition. She was in the finals. Baha, you have told this story a zillion times. He said I didn't care. He could hear it a zillion times plus one.