The Dog Invited to Supper
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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One day a gentleman invited his friend for dinner in the night. The friend came with his dog. The gentleman's dog met the friend's dog met the friend's dog and said come have dinner with us tonight. The friend's dog was delighted with the invitation. Today is good luck, as I shall party tonight or I may have nothing to eat tomorrow. As he said this to himself, he wagged his tail and went inside. But his tail wagging caught the cook's eye. He picked up the dog with the legs and threw him out of the window to the street below. When the dog reached the ground, he set off yelping down the street. The street dogs ran up to him and asked how was the supper tonight? In faith, said the dog with a sorry smile, l hardly know, for we drink so deeply that I can't even tell you which way I got out.