The Dog and the Wolf
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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There lived a skinny wolf who was almost dead with hunger. Suddenly he met a house dog who was passing by. The house dog said, I knew your irregular life will soon destroy you. Why don't you work steadily as I do and get your food regularly given to you? The wolf replied, I would have no objection, but I don't have such place.
The dog asked him to come to his place and share his work. The wolf agreed and they headed towards the town. On the way, the wolf noticed marks on the dog's neck. The wolf asked, Why is your neck worn away? The dog replied, oh, this mark is because of the collar that is put on at night to keep me chained up.
Don't worry, it hurt in the starting, but later you will get used to it. The wolf thought that it's better to live a free life than to be chained up. So he said goodbye to the dog and went on its way.