The Cow
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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Margaret Ahin lived with her friend, the grasshopper. They lived in miserable conditions as they had spent all the earned money. To add to this, their friend cow had died and they did not know what to do. If only the good Lord would give us another cow, they sighed. We shall never be able to buy another one.
Work with faith and the Lord will help you, said their neighbor, the dog. What can we do? Asked the hen. The dog replied you must work harder. You both are expert spinners, embroiders and sewers.
Work for some extra hours and you will earn more than you have done up to now. Also, decrease your expenses. Put aside what you earn in your extra work hours and soon you will have enough money to buy good cow. The Hen and the Grasshopper followed the advice of the dog and at the end of the year they had the necessary money for the cow. They also make a better living through their saving.