The Bride Price
Автор книги Buchi Emecheta
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Aku Anna turned the key in the lock and pushed open the door of her family's one room apartment in Lagos, Nigeria. To her surprise, her father was standing there in his work clothes with his hat in his hand. He looked like a criminal who had been caught stealing. Aku Nana and her brother Ana ANU stared at him. You want to be at work?
Their silent look said. Do you want to be at the factory? But their father did not offer any explanation. None. No Du was eleven.
He was a tall boy for his age. At school he was just starting to write with ink and he was proud of this. However, although he was very clever in other ways name Nah was very slow at book work. There was always ink on his fingers and on his school uniform. Sometimes he rubbed ink on his woolly hair.
When people asked him why, he always replied ink makes my hair blacker. He loved a joke, just like their mother, Ma Blackie. May Blackie was a huge woman, as tall and straight as a tree, with extremely black, shiny skin. She was always smiling. But behind her smile Ma Blackie had a problem.
She seemed unable to have another baby. In 1945 the local men came back from the war in Burma. All their wives had babies soon afterwards. All their wives had babies soon afterwards. All except Mablaki.
Now, five years later, there was still no sign of another child. Her husband, Ezekiel Odia had sent her to all the native doctors that he could afford but without success. At last she decided to make the 200 miles journey to her hometown of Ibuza. There she asked the river goddess to send her a baby. While their mother was away.
Akyu NA and Enana NADO had to take care of themselves and their father. He worked hard at the factory building railway engines and his job was important to him. He was a small man with a small voice. People often wondered why he had married such a big woman. The answer was simple.
Like most men of his age, ezekiel had married his bride when she was still a young girl. But Ezekiel's bride did not stop growing. They were a happy couple and the difference in their height did not seem to matter. Except that when Ezekiel wanted to say something serious to his wife he had a habit of standing on his toes.