The Ass’s Brains
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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One day, the lion and the fox went hunting together. On the advice of the fox. The lion sent a message to the ass proposing to make an alliance between their two families. The ass came to the place of meeting with Joy. When the lion came to the place, he simply pounced on the ass and said to the fox here is our dinner for tonight. Keep watch on it till I have a nap. Wobbitide you? If you touch my prey. Then the lion went away and the fox waited. After a long wait, the fox took out the brains of the ass and ate them up. When the lion came back, he noticed the absence of the brains and asked the fox in a terrible voice what have you done with the brains? The fox answered, brains, your Majesty. It had none or it would never have fallen into your trap.