Lazy Donkey
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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There lived a washer nun who had a lazy donkey. Whenever Ramu called the donkey, he pretended to be sick. Ramu was fed up of his donkey. One day Ramu had to take a heap of clothes to the river to wash. The donkey knew that Ramu would load the clothes.
So he escaped from the courtyard. Then the donkey went to a lonely place and slept under a mango tree. Suddenly dust storm blew so hard mango hit donkey's head. Startled, he sat up to see what was happening. He looked around and dust got into the eyes.
Then he to go back home to save from storm. But he was afraid of Ramu's beating. With great difficulty he walked back. When Ranu saw the donkey, he patted his back and said ah, you are back l was so worried didn't you the donkey braid? thenchew the donkey braid happily and decided never to be lazy again.