Annabel and Cheese
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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In a small hut on the hills in Scotland lived Annabelle and her parents. Her father didn't have money to send her to high school, so Annabelle visited the dairy every day together with her father. While her father made cheese, annabelle fed the cows and buffaloes and played with the goats and sheep. Annabelle loved cheese. Annabelle and Cheese one day she asked, daddy, please teach me how to make cheese.
Daddy, please teach me how to make cheese. Daddy laughed and said, sure. Are you getting to make some for me as well? Elle will make the best cheese in the world for you. Daddy smiled.
Annabelle. Annabelle's father taught her to form cheese. Annabelle became passionate about cooking and everything related to cheese s. Although she could never attend school, she learned everything from her father and mother. Hands on years gone by, Annabelle became a great chef and made the planet famous blue cheese in her dairy.