A Piece of Pie
Автор книги The classic fairy tale
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A small village in Florence in Italy was covered in snow. The spirit of Christmas filled the air. Schools were closed. Chocolates and stars, Santa caps and yuletide trees were displayed alongside the shops. It had always been the favorite season of David.
David was only ten, but he enjoyed hanging out with the older boys to be a part of their group, with their acceptance and to play with them. David would do anything they might ask. One day, the older boys were making snowman a piece of pie. Older boys making snowman. Elle can bring my dad's woolen scarf for the snowman, said David, who wished to be liked by the older boys.
The older boys took the hint and said bring the headscarf and some money. We will all buy frozen dessert with the money. A little disheartened, David explained. But I do not have any money. Take it from your father's wallet.
Are you afraid? Said one among the boys. On his way back home, David saw his friend RIA. RIA visited school with David and their parents were friends too. What happened, David?
Why are you looking devastated? Mother has baked your favorite pie. Why don't you come home for some? Asked Rhett. RIA liked David and really cared for him.
Pushing RIA roughly to the side, David exclaimed don't ask me. And went home, leaving her in tears. A confused and desperate David tried to steal money from his father's wallet and got caught red handed. What are you doing, David? Are you stealing money?
Disappointed David's father asked in dismay. I am so sorry, father. I will never steal again, said David in tears. David's father wanted to know what made David so desperate that he began to steal, as he has never shown such behavior before. What happened, son?
I never expected this from you, said his father, bursting call at tears. David, said those boys I tried to befriending asked me steal it from your wallet. Father smiled and picked up David in his arms and explained son, true friends will never ask you to steal. Be friends with people that will have your best in their interest and can never encourage you follow the incorrect path. David understood what his father said and never cared to play with the older boys again or to be friends with them.
He also went to Ria's home to say sorry to her and had the pie together. And had the pie together.