Автор книги Joyce Kilmer
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Why is that wanton gossip Fame.
So dumb about this man's affairs?
Why do we titter at his name.
Who come to buy his curious wares?
Here is a shop of wonderment.
From every land has come a prize;
Rich spices from the Orient,
And fruit that knew Italian skies,
And figs that ripened by the sea.
In Smyrna, nuts from hot Brazil,
Strange pungent meats from Germany,
And currants from a Grecian hill.
He is the lord of goodly things.
That make the poor man's table gay,
Yet of his worth no minstrel sings.
And on his tomb there is no bay.
Perhaps he lives and dies unpraised,
This trafficker in humble sweets,
Because his little shops are raised.
By thousands in the city streets.